Select Case Results
Car Accident
Client’s pre-existing conditions were exacerbated as a result of a semi-tractor crashing into her car while she was stopped at a red light.
Car Accident
Client suffered a forearm fracture when a delivery driver crashed into his motorcycle.
Warning Sign Error
Client tore her rotator cuff due to a fall and a worn-out warning sign at a fast food chain restaurant.
Gunshot Wound
Tender of $300,000 Policy Limit after client was accidentally shot in a home and suffered a gunshot wound.
Truck Collision
Questionable liability case which involved a collision of 4 tractor-trailers. $125,000 was tendered to the estate.
In-store Injury
Woman suffered from a lacerated tendon as a result of an item that fell on her while shopping at a boutique.
Construction Site Injury
Construction worker fell through an unattended attic opening and sustained numerous injuries.
Car Crash Debris Accident
Tender of $100,000 Policy Limit after a woman slipped and fell on debris from a prior car accident and sustained a fracture.
Pedestrian Injury
Client suffered numerous soft tissue injuries after being hit by a car while crossing a crosswalk.
Crosswalk Accident
Tender of $100,000 Policy Limits after a car hit Client as she was walking across the street, resulting in multiple fractures.
Parking Lot Injury
Client suffered rotator cuff injuries when she fell in a grocery store parking lot as a result of an improperly installed shopping cart corral.
Cyclist Injury
Client suffered multiple fractures as a result of an inexperienced cyclist snagging the tire of our Client, for which a $101,000 Policy Limit was tendered.
Car Collision
Tender of a $110,000 Policy Limit when Client was the victim of a T-Bone collision, when they were driving down a highway and a car disregarded a stop sign on a side road, causing a fractured sternum.
Pedestrian Injury
An elderly woman, who relied on an assisted walking device, left her hotel to get her car. While she was crossing the parking lot, she was hit by a livery vehicle, resulting in a fractured arm and hand.
Dog Bite Injury
Client was the victim of a dog bite injury while walking her dog through a park.
CLAIMS RESULTS DISCLAIMER: Any past results identified herein contain case information that is objectively verifiable. Additionally, every case is different and Tenenbaum Law Group does not guarantee or otherwise warrant that future cases of similar situations will result in similar or identical results of those past cases identified herein. Note that even though the results identified herein indicate objectively verifiable case results, the anonymity of the respective clients is preserved by not disclosing their full name.

If you, or anybody you know, suffered a serious personal injury, do not delay, contact us today. We offer free personal injury consultations and only get paid after you get paid. Even if we advance significant sums in pursuing your case, we charge no legal fees unless we win your case.